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1.25.14 - API Updates

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



Default configuration for Date columns on lists

You can now configure a date column in Designer to have a default value. This value is configured as a combination of a relative date plus an offset. For example, Task Start Dates now default to Today, while their Due Date now default to Today +1 (aka: Tommorrow).

The list of relative dates to use mirror the configuration for Views and are

  • today
  • tomorrow
  • startOfWeek
  • endOfWeek
  • startOfMonth
  • endOfMonth
  • startOfQuarter
  • endOfQuarter

As always at RAPID we are looking for feedback on which relative dates you would find useful.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed itemFilter configuration failing to be regarded in public forms for child repeating sections
  • Fixed Prefill data for root level single item contexts being nested under _data._data
  • Removed dead Workflow v2 API routes
  • Removed dead Workflow v2 test plan routes and UI


  • Added $top and $skip independent query parameter support to Omnichannel when fetching a calendarView, previously both keys were required to be processed
  • Added scroll to connections panel in Adaptive Designer for tables with more than 30 columns
  • The Get Items service task now regards the selected view, instead of defaulting to the All$ view